The End of Life Option Act allows terminally ill, mentally capable California residents that are adults (18 years or older) with a prognosis of six months or less the option to request medication from a physician that they can choose to self-ingest to shorten their dying process and bring about a peaceful death.

Above and Beyond Hospice reaffirms a basic element of the hospice philosophy that states that because dying is a natural process, hospice seeks to neither hasten nor postpone death. Above and Beyond Hospice acknowledges that there may be hospice patients who wish to avail themselves of their legal right to pursue medical aid in dying as their end of life option of choice. Above and Beyond Hospice will not abandon these patients or their families for this decision. It is the mission of Above and Beyond Hospice to meet the needs of patients and families in a way that honors how the individual chooses to live their final days or months. Above and Beyond Hospice is ready to discuss and support end-of-life decisions with our patients while being sensitive to individual values and/or belief systems. Above and Beyond acknowledges the legal right of qualified patients to pursue medical aid in dying for the purpose of self administering the medication to end their life “in a humane and dignified manner”, as the law intends. Above and Beyond will support patients in completing the requirements of the Act. Patients requesting medication for medical aid in dying must satisfy all of the requirements of the Act in order to obtain a prescription for the medication.

Patients who inquire about medical aid can contact us at their convenience by phone (1-800-503-2707), fax (1-909-696-6418) or email (office@aboveandbeyond.com). No patient will be denied medical care or treatment because of their decision to exercise their right to medical aid in dying under the Act. Regardless of a patient’s choice of legal option, we will continue to provide quality end of life care, symptom management and services to patients and families with the goal of providing excellent patient care, safe and comfortable dying, and positive life closure.

Phone: (800) 503-2970
Fax: (909) 696-6418

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